01 - 06 - 2024
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home8 interactive security system 8t

The 2.0 version of the hub/shuttle (security gateway) looks a lot like a small router (unfortunately it's white so not the best combination with our photo bench).



A small speaker is located at the top of the device right next to 4 activity LEDs.



2 USB 2.0 ports are placed on the right side of the hub and as you can all see both sides are partially perforated.



Moving at the rear we find two antenna ports, grounding screw, DC in, Ethernet port (probably 10/100) and a reset button.



With both Antennas mounted the device looks even more like a router.



Don't forget that you can plug the bundled 16GB thumb drive into the hub to allow for local video recording.



As its name clearly states the mini cube HD camera is a compact model placed on a swivel mount.



The microphone is placed at the front right next to the HD lens and the 4 IR LEDs (720p/30fps/F2.2/100 degrees diagonal recording).



A micro SD card slot is placed on the left side of the camera (the reset button is placed on the right) and can be used to record locally.



At the rear we find the micro USB power port right next to a tiny speaker.



You can switch between Internet and Local mode from the button at the top of the camera.



The infrared motion sensor, both window/door sensors and the keychain remote all use batteries so you may want to invest in rechargeable ones (for the sensors that is).



On the other hand the external siren is not only USB powered (via a wall adapter) but also features an internal battery (probably a rechargeable one).



The external siren also comes ready with a double sided 3M tape at the rear so you can mount it pretty much anywhere not just walls.