13 - 06 - 2024
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day 1t

Due to the fact that i had no exterior spot to mount the smart outdoor camera with siren by Netatmo i decided to test it the same way i do internal/interior models. Unfortunately, because i had to store some things at home (screens placed in black bags) there's not quite the same amount of light reaching the camera from the window (as did with other models) so although day image quality is not very good it's also my fault (still, i was clearly expecting better results).



During the night the camera can be used with 2 different ways, either with the built-in IR LEDs or the LED floodlight. The IR LEDs do a descent job as you can see from the above pictures and should easily illuminate an area of 10 meters (perhaps as much as 15).



On the other hand, the LED floodlight is quite sufficient to fill a large room (if it was placed higher, you’d see it better). Yes, it’s not the most powerful out there (12W can’t do miracles after all) and for some strange reason Netatmo decided to use warm temperature LEDs (around 2700k if i had to guess, perhaps even less) but it gets the job done (and is obviously better to have it than not at all).



Also, worth pointing out is that you can also add custom alert-zones on the live feed.