01 - 06 - 2024
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If you turn your smartphone on the side the display will change to picture in picture as seen above (still, it's by far the best way to use this doorbell due to its 2K image quality and 160 degrees viewing angle).



From the live feed you can start recording at will, take screenshots, use one of the pre-loaded voice responses, enable/disable audio, start two way communication, disable AI mode and switch between feeds.



Video quality is very good during the day and as you can see zoom quality is very good too.



The 4 IR LEDs located at the front of the doorbell have a range of roughly 5 meters so since from the doorbell itself and the wall it's just over 7 meters I’d say results are very good.



Instead of using IR LEDs for the downward camera eufy went with two regular LEDs which also do a good job (here as you can all see they were reflected on the desk i placed the camera on and that's why the end result is somewhat dark).



Again, 7+ meters away the IR LEDs don't do a great job (still you can see what's there, just not in great detail).