01 - 06 - 2024
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linksys lcab03vlnod 04t

For a business class model the white LCAB03VLNOD is actually not very large and so the main (bullet) part of the camera measures roughly 205mm in length, 93mm in width and 85mm in height (with the base these numbers increase to roughly 280mm in length and 170mm in height).



linksys lcab03vlnod 05t

The vari-focal lens is surrounded by a total of 24 IR LEDs capable of illuminating an area of up to 25m.



linksys lcab03vlnod 06t

Linksys has placed a sticker with the serial and mac address numbers and barcodes on the front bottom of the camera.



linksys lcab03vlnod 07t

All the cables are routed through the base of the camera (quite convenient) and as you can see there's not a single cable Linksys has left out (from left to right we see the RJ-45 port, analog video output, reset button, audio input, digital input/output, RS485 connector, audio output and the DC 12V in).



linksys lcab03vlnod 08t

linksys lcab03vlnod 09tlinksys lcab03vlnod 10t
If you wish to play around with the vari-focal lens and/or install a microSD card you just need to remove the two vertical Philips screws and open the top of the enclosure.