13 - 06 - 2024
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reolink argus 2 8t

Once you remove the Argus 2 from the box you will notice that the rechargeable battery pack is not mounted on it.



The front of the camera is painted black and here we can see the PIR motion sensor, 6 IR LEDs (33ft range), 1080p lens and the built-in speaker and microphone (two-way audio).



The micro SD card slot (supports micro SD cards up to 64GB in capacity) is located on the left side of the camera and is protected by a small rubber cover.



Turning the Argus 2 around we see the lithium ion battery slot and a sticker with the device user name and password.



The 5200mAh lithium ion battery pack is among the largest capacity ones we've seen used in this type of security cameras.



Once you mount the battery pack onto the camera you will have what looks a lot like a 260g heavy egg.



You can always remove the battery pack by pressing the button at the top and pulling upwards (the microSD rechargeable port is located further down and is protected by a rubber cover).



In order to install the rubber "skin" you will need to remove the camera from the magnetic mount as seen above.



I am not entirely convinced about the amount of protection this rubber cover can give the Argus 2 when used outdoors but i am sure Reolink has done extensive tests with it.



The wall mount is not magnetic so you will need to screw it onto the camera as seen above.