01 - 06 - 2024
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pivos aios 021t

Dismantling the aios HD media center was not easy but since i had more time in my hands than usual i did it anyways.



pivos aios 022t

The main PCB was attached to the hot-swap 3.5" HDD bay so in order to take a close look i had to remove it.



pivos aios 023t

Pivos did not place a heatsink on the RTD1185DD chipset and although normally it doesn't get hot enough to require extra cooling still during very hot summer days that may not be the case.



pivos aios 024t

As expected the aios HD media center uses the same NT5TU64M16GG-AC DDR2-667/800 memory modules by Nanya as most RTD1185 based players.



pivos aios 025t

On the aios PCB we also see the JMS539 SATA II to USB 3.0 bridge controller by JMicron.



pivos aios 026t

A single Hynix 2GB (256x8) NAND Flash module is also present on the PCB.