01 - 06 - 2024
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dune hd connect 04t

The remote control doesn't feature any kind of illumination for the buttons but its size partially makes up for that.



dune hd connect 05t

As you can see to cope with interior heat the entire body of the Dune HD Connect is perforated. Size-wise the device measures 87mm in length (with the HDMI plug), 42mm in width and 14mm in height and weighs just 39g.



dune hd connect 06t

On the left side of the device we see the Ethernet, IR and microUSB ports.



dune hd connect 07t

The microSD card port is placed at the front end.



dune hd connect 08t

A gold plated HDMI v1.3 plug is used with the Dune HD Connect.



dune hd connect 09t

The built-in WiFi b/g/n is extremely useful as you will all see later on.