13 - 06 - 2024
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egreat a5 gui 12t

This is my first encounter with VidOn XBMC media player software but it's largely based on KODI so it's not really something new (from what i read however it's not as popular among enthusiasts as KODI).




The main menu is exactly the same as KODI so indeed nothing new (unfortunately although KODI has reached version 17.1 the VidOn XBMC version is based on KODI 16.1 - you can still install KODI v17.1 from Google Play Store).



VidOn shares pretty much the same system settings as KODI so you can adjust both the video and audio output according to your setup.



Via the information page you can see the current video output, android OS version, available and used memory, CPU usage, OpenGL version and the type of CPU and GPU used.



Unfortunately although video playback was smooth and without any color issues using the camera to grab images is not the perfect way to go so do keep that in mind.