01 - 06 - 2024
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dune hd duo 4k 17tThe interior of the Duo 4k is for the largest part empty due to the two 3.5" drive racks.



What we noticed right from the get go is the A12 PWM fan by our friends over at Noctua.



The 2GB of DDR3 RAM are provided by SKhynix (4 modules in total) while the dual-band WiFi 802.11 b/g/n/ac module is manufactured by Realtek.



Inside the Duo 4k we also find a 60W power supply unit.



Finally we see the ESS SABRE 32 Reference DAC (ES9018K2M) board.



We forgot to mention that the remote control bundled with the Duo 4k also features LED backlight for its keys (you have to turn it on however via the upper left button).