01 - 06 - 2024
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dune hd pro 4k reviewb

   The Realtek RTD1295 quad-core SoC is not a new media processor (was announced back in early 2016 if i recall correctly) so when Dune HD told us that they were using it for their second best media player of 2018 i was somewhat skeptical especially since to date most if not all of their models came with Sigma Designs solutions. Still after testing the PRO 4K for several days there’s no doubt in our minds that the RTD1295 is capable of playing back even the heaviest bitrate 4k movies we could throw at it without any issues whatsoever. Now I was a bit surprised to come across that resolution bug in the menu of the PRO 4K (update: according to Dune HD the GUI is rendered at 1080p even if the HDMI output is set at 4k) but since media was reproduced at 2160p it’s really not a big issue (still we hope Dune HD can look into it). We also liked the fact that Dune HD packs the same remote control they do with the far more expensive Duo 4K not only because it has every single button we’d like to see on it but also because of its impressive backlight feature.

   Since the PRO 4K sits right beneath the soon to be released PRO 4K Ultra model it’s neither what we’d call affordable nor very expensive since its current recommended price tag is set at USD199/199Euros. Unfortunately availability is currently somewhat limited (remember this player was shipped from the manufacturer in late March) so we weren’t able to find the PRO 4K in all the usual places just yet (until availability improves prices may be set a little bit higher compared to the recommended ones). All said and done Dune HD has once again released a premium feature-rich media player (and right on time with the current state of the market) that packs a serious punch which is why it gets our Golden Award.


- Build Quality
- 4Kp60 HDR Playback (up to 100 Mbit/s)
- DTS: X & Dolby Atmos Support
- Dual Band WiFi Module
- 3 USB Ports (2xUSB 2.0 / 1xUSB 3.0)
- External SATA Connector & Micro SD Card Slot
- Optical & Analog Audio Outputs
- HDMI Input
- GUI (Android OS v7.1.1)
- Product Support
- Backlit Remote Control


- Menu Resolution Bug (update: according to Dune HD the GUI is rendered at 1080p even if the HDMI output is set at 4k)
- Current Availability
- Price (For Some)