01 - 06 - 2024
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I asked VIVIDSTORM to send the black version over since it does look better in pictures (especially on a white background).



One the far right we find the company logo whereas on the far left we see the IR receiver and two holes covered with rubber caps which can be used to adjust the height of the screen via the included rods.



Taking a look on the left side we see the power port (there's also a replaceable fuse here), power on/off switch and a extend/retract switch.



When extended the entire 100-inch ALR Obsidian screen (base included) measures 2431mm in length (2276mm just the screen), 1635mm in height (1515mm just the screen) and 160mm in depth (i actually ended up placing the S ALR Obsidian in my home office since i had no permanent area in the lab for such use - and i needed that in order to test regular throw projectors).



Thanks to the left and right pull wires the screen is stretched well and has virtually no wrinkles and curls.



The screen extends and retracts via two thick metal brackets (the top is made out of aluminum).