13 - 06 - 2024
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wanbo mozart 1 pro review 5t

Measuring 223mm in height, 209mm in depth and 176mm in width the 3.3Kg Mozart 1 Pro is a compact projector.



An on/off button with the Wanbo logo at the center (illuminated) is placed at the top of the projector.



The 5-layer high concentrated optical lens are fully closed (IP5X dust proof) and as for the lamp behind them Wanbo reports a projected life of over 30.000 hours.



A bass reflex port is located on the left side of the Mozart 1 Pro.



Just like the front the rear is also perforated and at the top we find the power port, USB 2.0 port, HDMI v1.4 port and a 3.5mm audio jack.



At the base of the Mozart 1 Pro Wanbo has placed a retractable stand which can raise the front at an angle of 7 degrees.



The remote control may not be something to get excited over but it has every button you'd want on it.