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casio gshock ga110 03t

The only downside G-Shock watches have is also one of their useful features and that's the resin material used which makes them seem a bit dull, at first at least.

casio gshock ga110 04t

With a case diameter of 51cm the G-Shock GA-110-1AER is not a small watch but surprisingly enough it looks ok even on my 18cm thick wrist.

casio gshock ga110 05t

The GA-110-1AER combines analog with digital display into a very nice package. Unfortunately it is not possible to display different analogue and digital time in timekeeping mode.

casio gshock ga110 06tcasio gshock ga110 07t
There are two large buttons on each side which are protected by the watch bezel (as stated in the intro page).

casio gshock ga110 08t

The urethane resin strap is 55cm in length and is also part of the shock-absorbing feature of G-Shock watches.

casio gshock ga110 09t

The G-Shock logo is also placed on the buckle (very easy to secure the strap, not so easy to remove it which is good).

casio gshock ga110 10t

Written at the stainless steel back is the company name, 20 Bar water resistance, country of origin (China), type of movement (Japanese) and the Shock Resist G-Shock logo (we had to adjust the lighting of the picture to make all of the writings visible). 



casio gshock ga110 11t

The LED is not very powerful and the yellow color doesn't help much but it's better than none at all.