13 - 06 - 2024
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protrek prg 240b

   After using the PROTREK PRG-240 by Casio for almost a month the first word that comes to mind after taking into account its countless functions, build quality and appearance is mind-blowing. Now i have to admit that i don't have much use for the world time function since through the years my job has caused me to memorize the various time zones and neither do i have much use for the digital compass since i don't really go camping in the woods but i have quite a bit of use for the barometer, the thermometer and the altimeter functions when I’m at my mountain home/cottage during the winter time (whenever i find time to go there that is). When it comes to the normal watch role of the PRG-240 i too find it a bit annoying that under extreme sunlight it's very hard to read the time but the full illumination feature more than just makes up for that during the night (or dark places in general) so things are somewhat balanced. One of the things i really enjoy is that on one hand you have a large watch with a case diameter of 51mm while on the other that watch weighs just over 65g which is almost nothing compared to bracelet models. The synthetic resin band/strap may look plain but it's very comfortable so i don't see a reason for people to swap it for something else (i know i won't).

   As you can see from the above picture the Casio PROTREK PRG-240 is available in several colors (aside the PRG-240-8ER we have here) however we need to specify that in the USA the PROTREK name is replaced with the PATHFINDER name. So currently you can get the PATHFINDER PAG-240-8 for USD160 inside the USA (Amazon.com) while the PROTREK PRG-240-8ER retails for 185Euros inside the EU (Amazon.co.uk). Overall we all think that the price of the PRG-240/PAG-240 is very low for all the things this watch has to offer and considering that the other models in the line can be found for even less there's really no reason for us to not give it our Platinum Award.



- Build Quality
- Design
- Digital Functions (Full Auto Illumination, duplex LCD screen, compass, barometer, altimeter, thermometer, world clock, calendar, sunset/sunrise display, stop watch, timer, 5 daily alarms)
- 10Bar/100m Water Resistance
- Solar Rechargeable Battery (Up To 10 Years Life)
- Price (For Some)


- None