13 - 06 - 2024
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oblanc nc2 3 ufo 05toblanc nc2 3 ufo 06t
The NC2-3 U.F.O Bluetooth stereo headphones look quite nice but are also quite bulky compared to other similar ones like the REVO wireless.



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Oblanc has placed their logo on the lower end exterior of both earcups.



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The on/off button which can also be used to answer/end calls along with the volume control buttons are placed at the front of the right earcup.



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A reset button is placed just in front of the buttons.



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The micro-USB charging port is placed on the base of the right earcup.



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Both earcups are fitted with large leatherette pads which are quite comfortable.



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The headband can extend a total of 35mm on each side but unfortunately there are no increment markings on it.



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On the interior of the headband you will find the usual L/R markings.



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Oblanc has used thick leatherette padding for the headband.