01 - 06 - 2024
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jabra extreme2 006t

The EXTREME2 headset is made almost entirely from hard plastic (low weight) and measures 48mm in length, 18mm in width and 23mm in depth.



jabra extreme2 007t

Jabra has placed their logo at the rear front of the headset.



jabra extreme2 008t

Since the strong point of the EXTREME2 Bluetooth headset is its extreme background noise reduction technology Jabra has it written on the front.



jabra extreme2 009t

The volume up/down button is placed at the top (much like with most Jabra headsets).



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At the rear end of the headset we see the micro USB charging port.



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Instead of the usual power on/off method (pressing a button for a long time) the EXTREME2 comes with an on/off switch at the bottom.



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Several certification icons along with the product name and model are placed at the back of the headset.



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The bundled USB charger is actually very convenient since it keeps the headset on a fixed position (vertical or horizontal) and can also be used with the car adapter.



jabra extreme2 015t

By default the EXTREME2 has the medium sized earhook attached to it. However Jabra also bundles a large size earhook and two ultimate comfort eargels.



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Once the headset is powered up for the first time a female voice will guide you through all the necessary steps to pair it with your phone.