14 - 03 - 2025
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desk fansa

   When the time came for me to choose what article sections we should have in this new project i instantly included a Gadgets one since well like most of you i enjoy using them and there are plenty of those to go around so why not also test them for all of you? Of course a gadget is not always supposed to be just something extremely useful (talking about extremely useful gadgets MacGyver just came to mind) but they can also be quite funny as well in the process and todays comparison is somewhat funny since today we will be comparing two USB desk fans from ARCTIC and IOCrest (SybaUSA) which should prove to be quite useful especially in the hot days of summer in front of us.


   The increased heat emission of modern computers has put the production of powerful and quiet coolers beyond the means of most manufacturers. The raised noise levels of PC systems have a negative impact on productivity, since a quiet computer is the basis for pleasant working conditions. ARCTIC initiated the trend towards quiet cooling systems for desktop PCs in 2001 and has led the way ever since. When ARCTIC COOLING was founded, we began by focusing on Switzerland and Germany. In 2002 ARCTIC COOLING (HK) Ltd. was founded to develop relationships with our Asian production locations. From 2005, we started to expand business in North and South America and provide optimum service to our customer base there. ARCTIC is now a leading manufacturer of CPU coolers, GPU coolers and case fans. In recent years we acquired a far-ranging expertise in the field of consumer electronics. The company’s product range has been further enhanced by new lines unrelated to PC cooling which was the reason behind the 2010 change in our brand name and logo: ARCTIC COOLING became the ARCTIC brand umbrella.


   At SYBA Group, we want to suit your business anticipation. SYBA USA was established in 2001 to be the USA office, which provides quality products and services to our Northern and Southern America customers. With the tremendous support from our customers and strategic partners in Hong Kong, Taiwan and China, we are actually on our way to become the leading suppliers for computer add-on components and peripherals. With over 10 years of manufacturing experiences, we strive to lead in the creation, development and manufacture of the industry's most advanced technologies, our attitudes toward research, production, marketing, sales, administration and people makes us what we are today. We use the latest technology from NEC, Lucent, Silicon Image, Netmos to ensure us in the leading position of this industry. Furthermore, we are certified ISO 9002 manufacturer with the approval from UL, FCC, CE, and etc.


   The idea to compare these two USB desk fans was obviously the result of high temperatures in the room where i type these lines (a 30inch LCD screens tends to do that) so i wanted to find a way for me to keep them down to acceptable levels without having to use the Air Condition all the time, at least not while i type (it's just over my head so not the best thing to do). Still finding good USB desk fans was not the easiest thing in the world since most available in the market are just rebranded OEM ones without any official manufacturer whatsoever. Luckily ARCTIC and SybaUSA do manufacture such gadgets and so i thought I’d check them out and give them a chance to prove just how efficient they are. The results were not bad actually, not bad at all.