22 - 02 - 2025
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thermalright true spirit 140 bw revaa

   Up and until a few years ago most CPU cooler manufacturers didn't pay much attention to all the consumers around the world who asked for new heatsink designs that wouldn't interfere with tall memory modules and mainboard components. Now i don't really blame the people who designed those CPU coolers since back then size was what would sell to gamers and overclockers alike and if you happen to recall the huge V10 by CoolerMaster (or even the V8) then you know what i mean. Well the arrival of the AIO liquid CPU coolers changed all that since they offered zero clearance issues without asking nearly as much as custom water cooling kits. This "forced" manufacturers to take a new approach towards CPU coolers so in the past 2 years we've seen many models claim to offer zero clearance issues with your memory modules and mainboard components (and most actually deliver what they promise). The TRUE Spirit 140 BW Rev.A is the latest CPU cooler by Thermalright to feature a "slim" heatsink to allow use of even the tallest memory modules and today we're taking it for a ride.

   Thermalright is an elite design house that manufactures cooling products for computer components for the best quality and performance your money can buy. In 2002, AMD released its first generation Thunderbird CPU and since then we have been there every step of the way to counter high voltage and high heat with innovative design and highly acclaimed cooling solutions not only for AMD but for Intel as well. One of early well known solutions was the SK-6. With many positive and rave reviews under its belt Thermalright bolted to the top as the heat sink manufacturer mostly preferred by Overclockers and enthusiasts around the World. To this day, innovation never left our vocabulary as we keep coming up with leading edge designs staying ahead of the competition.

   Once again we see that Thermalright decided to follow the same successful path so for the TRUE Spirit 140 BW Rev.A they've used a rather large/wide yet thin tower (U-type) heatsink to increase total surface area without at the same time having to worry about any clearance issues with memory modules and mainboard components. To make the best out of the large/wide heatsink body Thermalright also bundles their TY-147A ultra-low noise PWM 140mm fan and an extra set of fan mounts just in case you wish to use a second 120/140mm fan in push & pull configuration for even better cooling efficiency. It's been a while since we last had a model from the TRUE Spirit line of CPU coolers by Thermalright so we're also quite interested to see how the 140 BW Rev.A will do when mounted on our test rig.