21 - 09 - 2024
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As always, the purpose of this section is not to build a functional system but rather to showcase what you can expect from the case at hand in terms of interior space.


I started this system build by replacing the rear plastic cover with the module of the Syncro CONNECT DPC-850 as seen above.



Measuring just 140mm in length the DPC-850 leaves way too much free room at the base of the case.



Because of the module you don’t need so much space in front of the PSU, still since some consumers may just pair this case with another PSU Seasonic left quite a bit of empty space here.



Of course, once you place the steel side panel back on, you’ll see the module from the outside.



Using even an E-ATX sized motherboard still leaves plenty of room on the motherboard tray.



The 24pin power connector along with the six 8pin PCIe connectors are next to the motherboard (if you decide to mount a radiator at the front make sure it’s up to 45mm in thickness otherwise you will not be able to use 3 out of the 6 PCIe connectors).



You can of course mount an 360mm radiator at the top regardless of thickness (however this means you will not be able to use the bottom PCIe slot).



I decided to mount an 30mm thick radiator at the front (up to 27mm you don’t need to remove the bottom drive cage) and a regular CPU air cooler just so you can all see what room you have here.



With enough room for graphics cards up to 345mm in length you should be able to use any of the ones available in the market today (the GeForce GTX590 used here is roughly 295mm long).