02 - 06 - 2024
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enermax ostrogb

   Overall the Enermax Ostrog is a nice midi tower PC case not only because of its design, potential airflow (providing you add extra fans) and space for even the longest graphics cards and tallest CPU Coolers (if you don't use the top side fan) but also because of its surprisingly good build quality and seriously tempting price tag. Granted there are countless PC cases out there better than the Ostrog but if you don’t want to spend more money on the case than you will on the interior hardware components then the Ostrog is a very decent offering. Now i would like to see a front pre-installed 120mm intake fan and a tool-less locking mechanism for the 7 PCI expansion slots but as i always say we just can't have it all.


   Moving to the price of the Ostrog well it's just like i said (tempting) and so it currently retails for a price of USD49.99 inside the USA (Amazon) and at around 45Euros inside the EU. So what we have here basically is a midi tower that combines a very nice design, spacious interior, a few convenient features, great airflow potential, nice build quality and a killer price tag, what else is there for anyone to ask? Of course if you plan on spending a reasonable amount of cash on a PC Case then there are better and larger ones out there with more features but for all of you wanting to get your hands on a low cost but worthy midi case then i really doubt you can find anything better, not at this price range.



- Build Quality
- Design
- Spacious Interior (Longest GPUs/Tallest CPU Coolers)
- Removable Drive Cage
- Room For Up To Seven 3.5" Drives
- Airflow Potential (Up To 7 Fans)
- Price




- Only 1 Pre-Installed Fan
- Not Entirely Tool-Less