02 - 06 - 2024
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anidees ai 06wb

   Much like BitFenix and Fractal Design before them Anidees has also proven to us that you don’t need to count many years in the market and have massive experience in order to know what consumers want and manufacture a great product according to that. So just like the AI-06B the AI-06W offers very good quality levels coupled with plenty of features such as removable cages, room for top/bottom 280/240mm radiators, built-in fan headers for up to 8 fans and room for up to 8 2.5/3.5" drives. As usual however things are not perfect and so the front door/fascia may have a nice brushed aluminum piece on it but the rest of the plastic is not on par with the rest of the tower so I really hope Anidees improves that on later models.


   Unfortunately since anidees is a new brand and since they are based in the Netherlands it may take a while for their products to reach the USA but at least for now the AI-06W retails for just 115Euros inside the EU (Overclockers.co.uk). Availability issues aside the AI-06W is not really expensive not for a high quality PC case with plenty of features and a very good design. True the front door could be better and the thumbscrews should be rubber coated to make it easier for people to remove them but these are two very tiny issues. So if you live inside the EU and you are looking to buy an midi tower then do take a look at the AI-06W since it did manage to get our Golden Award.




- Build Quality
- Design
- Room For 8 2.5/3.5" Drives
- Space For Top/Bottom Radiators.
- Removable Drive Cages
- Room For Up To 7 Fans
- 6 Top USB Ports (2 USB 3.0/ 4 USB 2.0)
- Built-In 8 Fan Header
- 9 PCI Expansion Slots
- Near Silent Running
- Price (For Some)




- Availability
- Thumbscrews Are Hard To Remove By Hand
- Front Door Quality (Plastic Part)