02 - 06 - 2024
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phantom 630b

   The original Phantom full tower surprised everybody with its unique design, plenty of interior space, wealth of features and impressive airflow even out of the box especially since it was designed and manufactured by a relatively new player called NZXT. Well the Phantom 630 is basically an improved Phantom full tower and offers more interior space, better overall build quality, more features and many times over the cooling potential of its predecessor due to the many available 120mm/240mm radiator mounts. Three more great features are the two SSD mounts placed beneath the mainboard tray, the removable drive cages and the 3-speed fan controller although the switch at the top I/O could be slightly better to use (softer would be nice). The only two slight problems with the Phantom 630 Ultra Tower is the inability to change the orientation of the front door and the amount of plastic used for the top/front covers. Granted the Phantom 630 Ultra Tower offers a lot more than it lacks but we just wish NZXT would make an all-aluminum Phantom Super Tower.


   With a current price tag set at around USD180 inside the USA and at 169.90Euros inside the EU (Purchase Directly from Caseking.de) the Phantom 630 Ultra Tower may not be the very first choice for most consumers but it's certainly worth every penny. Of course if you decide to cross the USD200/200Euros price mark you can opt for the larger and more feature-rich Phantom 820 but if we exclude the 1% of total PC users worldwide (namely the enthusiast group) i see little reason for someone to go the extra mile (although certainly the 820 is a few steps above the 630). Overall the Phantom 630 Ultra Tower may not be the perfect tower but it offers a wide range of features we rarely ever see and on top of that it has one of the best cooling potentials we've encounter with a sub USD250/250Euros tower and that's why it walks away with our Golden Award.


- Build Quality (Overall)
- Design
- Stock Airflow
- Cooling Potential (120mm/240mm Radiators)
- 3-Speed Fan Controller
- 2 Mainboard SSD Mounts
- Interior Space
- Removable 2.5”/3.5” Drive Cages
- Air Filters




- Top/Front Covers Made With Plastic
- Front Door Orientation Can't Be Changed
- Price (For Some)