02 - 06 - 2024
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streacom fc8 evo 13t

To gain access to the interior of the FC8 EVO you just need to remove two screws found at the base of the chassis and two from the aluminum fin area.



streacom fc8 evo 14t

Much like most mITX cases we see an aluminum frame above the mainboard area which is used to mount both the optical drive and the HDD/SSDs.



streacom fc8 evo 15t

You need to mount a slim optical drive on the aluminum frame.



streacom fc8 evo 16t

To install the drives with ease you can remove the frame via 4 screws placed at the front and rear.



streacom fc8 evo 17t

Behind the optical drive area Streacom has placed room for a 2.5" HDD/SSD as you can see in the above picture.



streacom fc8 evo 18tstreacom fc8 evo 19t
At the base of the frame there's room for either a 3.5" or an 2.5" HDD/SSD.



streacom fc8 evo 20t

Without the top frame and thanks to the very clean interior it's extremely easy to mount the mainboard.



streacom fc8 evo 21t

Perhaps the most impressive feature of the FC8 EVO is its passive CPU cooling which is where these holes on the right side come in.



streacom fc8 evo 22t

To make use of this passive system you first need to mount the blocks and the 4 copper heatpipes as seen above (you should also apply thermal conductive material between the copper heatpipes and the chassis/blocks). We need to mention that this procedure should only be done after you have installed the mainboard but since we received a wrong model (mATX instead of mITX) we will not be testing the passive cooling system by Streacom this time.



streacom fc8 evo 23t

After that you need to mount the bottom end of the CPU plate (remember to place thermal conductive material between the lower end and the heatpipes).



streacom fc8 evo 24t

Last step is to mount the top end of the CPU block with the Allen key and in turn install it onto the mainboard/CPU.