02 - 06 - 2024
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raidmax horus mx 06t

The 443mm tall, 491mm long and 207mm thick Horus MX mATX tower follows the same sci-fi design like the Viper GX so it's obviously more suited for young audiences.



raidmax horus mx 07t

Part of the right side panel features a nice clear plastic window which features a spot for a 120mm intake fan.



raidmax horus mx 08t

The fascia is made out of glossy/matte plastic and it actually looks much better when looking at it head on.



raidmax horus mx 09t

Most of the fascia is actually a door that opens clockwise. Unfortunately it only opens 90 degrees and can't be switched to the other side.



raidmax horus mx 10t

All three optical drive bay covers feature easy release locks.



raidmax horus mx 11traidmax horus mx 12t
The fascia has two perforated sections one placed beneath the 5.25" bays and one beneath that.



raidmax horus mx 13t

The I/O includes the HDD activity LED, reset button, one USB 3.0 port, headphones and microphone 3.5mm ports and one USB 2.0 port.



raidmax horus mx 14t

Behind the fascia Raidmax has placed room for two 120mm intake fans, unfortunately however both are not included.



raidmax horus mx 15t

The top rear of the case is perforated and according to Raidmax here you can place two 120mm exhaust fans, one 140mm exhaust fan or an 280mm long radiator (240mm one, 280mm in total length).



raidmax horus mx 16t

At the rear we see the only pre-installed fan (120mm), 5 PCI expansion slots and the PSU area.



raidmax horus mx 17t

As you can see the left side panel extends outwards to allow for more space behind the mainboard tray (better cable routing).



raidmax horus mx 18t

Moving at the bottom of the Horus MX we see a metallic air-filter and four somewhat tall round rubber feet.