02 - 06 - 2024
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antec hcg 750w gold b

   When we reviewed the HCG 850W Gold model back in late 2018 we had very high expectations from it since Seasonic is not your average PSU manufacturer and Antec deciding to use them for their entire HCG line was not a coincidence. In the end it met all our expectations and so does the HCG 750W Gold since it too features solid rail performance (trades blows with its 850W brother in our tests), comes with the 80 Plus Gold electrical efficiency certification (up to 92% efficiency), has an array of industrial grade electrical protections (OCP/OVP/UVP/SCP/OPP/NLO/OTP/SIP), 100% Japanese made capacitors (by Rubycon, Nichicon and United Chemi-Con for our sample), is compact and is covered by a 10 year limited warranty. Again, the 120mm FDB fan did become a bit noisy during our tests but only when our test rig reached its peak consumption (slightly noisier than the 850W model but that was expected really) so i don't expect that to be of any issue for most potential buyers.

   Almost a full year after Antec released their High Current Gamer Gold line of power supply units the 750W variant retails for USD115 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for just 82Euros inside the EU (Amazon.co.uk). Unfortunately, due to low stock/availability on the other side of the Atlantic (Antec could be phasing out this model - EOL - to make room for a new one) the price is exactly the same as what the 850W variant cost back when we reviewed it but luckily over here things are way better. At the end of the day the HCG 750W Gold power supply unit by Antec has it all (especially if you happen to be living in the EU) and so if its power output is sufficient for your system you really should give it a chance, we did and that's also why it gets our Golden Award.


- Build Quality
- Solid Rail Stability
- Fully Modular Design
- Compact Size
- 80 Plus Gold Certified
- CircuitShield Electrical Protections
- Peak Output (862W)
- 10 Year Warranty
- Zero RPM Feature
- Current Price (EU)


- Noisy At Over 90% Load
- Current Price (USA)