02 - 06 - 2024
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antec hcg 620m 007t

As expected the HCG-620M is not entirely modular and comes with the basic mainboard connectors hardwired into the chassis.



antec hcg 620m 008t

Antec has used a 135mm intake fan with the HCG-620M just like with the non-modular version.



antec hcg 620m 009t

Two large stickers placed on both sides include the product name and output.



 antec hcg 620m 016t

At the top we find the typical large sticker with the units electrical specifications listed.



antec hcg 620m 010t

The HCG-620M comes with 6 modular ports (tagged and color coded) two of which are only for use with disk drives.



antec hcg 620m 011t

Moving at the rear of the unit we find the usual honeycomb perforation along with the on/off switch and the power port.



antec hcg 620m 012t

The 135mm intake fan used is made by ADDA and can achieve speeds of up to 2500RPM while producing up to 82CFM of airflow at 36dBA of noise.



antec hcg 620m 013t

The layout of the interior is very clean and is actually based on the M12II design by Seasonic (the non-modular version was made by Delta).



antec hcg 620m 014t

Primary and secondary capacitors used are made by the Japanese Nippon Chemi-Con. The primary is rated for use of up to 85°C while the secondary for up to 105°C.



antec hcg 620m 015t

At the secondary side we also see a single Rubycon capacitor rated for use up to 105°C.