02 - 06 - 2024
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antec tp 650c 13t

The 120mm dual ball bearing brushless fan used is manufactured by JAMICON Electronics (mostly Seasonic uses this brand) and can reach speeds of up to 2200RPM with 81.17CFM of airflow and 36.8dBA of noise.



antec tp 650c 14t

Not the cleanest interior layout ever but the unit does seem to be manufactured by Seasonic so that's good news.



antec tp 650c 15t

The primary capacitor used is part of Hitachi’s HU line (470uF/420V) and is certified for use up to 105 Celsius.



antec tp 650c 16t

For secondary capacitors Seasonic has used United Chemi-Con KZE ones (2200uF/25v) also certified for use up to 105c degrees.