02 - 06 - 2024
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Just like with most of their power supply units Thermaltake ships the ToughPower XT Platinum 1275w inside a long box at the front of which we see a large product image right next to its main features.



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A list with the main features of the unit is placed on both sides in 13 different languages.



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Moving at the rear we see the features of the unit explained in depth, its electrical table, noise levels and region version.



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The ToughPower XT Platinum 1275W is placed between two rather thick Styrofoam spacers while the modular cables are placed inside a plastic bag.



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The box contains the PSU covered in a piece of cloth, 4 cable ties, user's manual, warranty information paper, 4 mounting screws, the modular cables, plastic bag and the AC power cable.