16 - 06 - 2024
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kingston kc600 512gb review b

   Availability for the KC600 line of 2.5” SATA III SSDs was officially announced by Kingston less than a week ago and i have to admit that the 512GB variant performed better than expected. This may not be clear in most of our tests but just by looking at or IOMeter charts it’s evident that the KC600 did very well in two out of the three tests (strangely even though we expected much better results it did fall back in our mixed read/write tests). Overall the KC600 512GB variant may not be the fastest 2.5” SSD in our charts (do take into account that the 1TB variant is even faster however) but it still does offer very good read and write performance levels, for an affordable model that is.

   At launch the KC600 512GB 2.5” SATA III SSD by Kingston retails for just USD70.25 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 89.45Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) a price tag which is actually less compared to the previously released UV400 480GB model (which falls slightly behind the KC600 in our tests). Long story short even though the KC600 is not the fastest SATA III 2.5” SSD money can buy today its performance should be more than enough for most consumers and since that performance is accompanied by a plethora of features, a 5 year limited warranty and an affordable price tag the KC600 512GB model gets our Golden Award.



- Very Good Performance
- Features (NANDXtend
/ SLC Write Caching / DevSleep)
- Available In 25
GB Capacities
SNIA Performance
- 5 Year Limited Warranty
- Price


- No Cloning Software In The Bundle