18 - 06 - 2024
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toshiba q pro 256gb 06ttoshiba q pro 256gb 07t
The aluminum casing of the 7mm thick Q Series Pro SSD gives it a nice industrial look.



toshiba q pro 256gb 08t

A large sticker at the rear contains information about the drive such as the model name, serial and part numbers, barcodes, installed firmware version, electrical requirements, capacity and several certification logos.



toshiba q pro 256gb 09t

Once again at the rear we see the usual SATA power and data connectors right next to 4 pins probably used for firmware updating.



toshiba q pro 256gb 10t

Opening the casing is very easy and surprisingly enough both the NAND flash chips and the controller is placed on the other side of the PCB.



toshiba q pro 256gb 11t

As you can see the controller and the NAND flash chips have thermal pads to transfer heat the aluminum casing.



toshiba q pro 256gb 12t

This time over Toshiba has used their very own NAND flash controller (TC358790XBG) and has paired it with eight of their own 19nm MLC Toggle NAND flash chips (each is 32GB in capacity).