01 - 06 - 2024
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supersonic boost 004t

Some of you may remember the old Boost XT USB 2.0 flash drive by Patriot featuring a black rubber exterior. Well the body of the new SuperSonic Boost USB 3.0 is identical, just slightly smaller and this time over the XT is blue (was red in the USB 2.0 version).



supersonic boost 005t

At the rear end of the drive we see the capacity, activity LED and the lanyard space (of course you can still use it with your keychain but it's not as easy as it would with a lanyard).



supersonic boost 006t

The SuperSonic logo is placed on the other side.



supersonic boost 007t

When using the drive you can place the front cap at the rear where the lanyard space is.



supersonic boost 008t

To showcase the size of the SuperSonic Boost 32GB i placed it next to the Kingston HyperX 128GB USB 3.0 flash drive.