14 - 03 - 2025
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brinell stick 128gba

   In the past several jewelry makers have tried (quite unsuccessfully if you ask me) to enter the PC Peripherals market by releasing various products which can also attract the female gender. Most of them however have focused in the design and manufacture of very expensive USB flash drives and just by taking a quick look on Google you can find quite a few that cost well up to $35k. Of course all of those attempts failed for two reasons (well aside the price obviously) storage capacity and design. I mean who in their right mind would purchase a USB flash drive that is shaped like an egg or a mushroom and has sparkling diamonds and rubies all over it (perhaps girls would if they could afford it)? Now I’ve always looked for something special since carrying a USB flash drive around means that people will get to see it but to date aside the usual tiny models made out of Zinc alloy i haven't really found anything to peak my interest. Brinell may actually change that since with us today we have their award winning Single-Action Stick 128GB USB 3.0 flash drive.


   Brinell GmbH gives electronic storage media an exclusive and unmistakable look – the extra special brinell touch. Brinell products stand out with their award-winning avant-garde design, state-of-the-art technology and use of exquisite materials such as stainless steel, Makassar ebony wood, nappa leather and carbon. To this end, brinell’s design and manufacture are housed under one roof, ensuring all materials are well matched and processes are fine-tuned. Thus brinell can offer its demanding customers sophisticated alternatives to the common storage media of the mass market.


   Brinell is amongst a small number of companies that focus both in creating a very unique body for their storage devices without compromising capacity and speed while at the same time price is nowhere near to other similar premium solutions. They've actually been in the market for quite some time now but it wasn't up until a couple of weeks ago that i stumbled across one of their USB flash drives so i just had to take a look for myself. The single-action stick which we have here features an enclosure made out of brushed stainless steel (this applies for all models) and a thin layer of carbon material but Brinell actually offers more than just that version so you can also choose between brushed stainless steel, brushed stainless steel and nappa leather and brushed stainless steel and makassar ebony wood. Limited editions are also available (just not at all capacities) so you can also find a titanium/carbon 64GB model and even three different ones (32GB) featuring a brushed aluminum enclosure that has a nice coating of very small SWAROVSKI® ELEMENTS (different colors). Quality is not however the only strong point of the single-action stick line since according to Brinell performance is also very good and can reach speeds of up to 220MB/s read and 140MB/s write.