28 - 03 - 2025
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saitek x 55 rhino 21t

The dual throttles are also rubber coated but what really steals the show are the switches and dials placed on the base.



saitek x 55 rhino 22tsaitek x 55 rhino 23t
The entire idea behind the dual throttle design was to give people complete control over dual engine aircrafts but since in most games you have just one engine you can lock both throttles together.



saitek x 55 rhino 24t

A silver scroll wheel is placed at the left side of the throttle.



saitek x 55 rhino 25t

On the right side of the throttle we see a push button, 2 eight way hat switches, mouse nipple, 2-position slider and 2 rotating dials that also act as push buttons.



saitek x 55 rhino 26t

Two more buttons are placed at the front of the throttle right next to a 3 way button.



saitek x 55 rhino 27t

On the lower end of the base we see the 3 way mode button and 3 toggle switches.



saitek x 55 rhino 28t

The friction knob for the throttle is placed on the left side.



saitek x 55 rhino 29t

There are 4 extra toggle switches on the right side along with two dials.



saitek x 55 rhino 30t

The dual throttle also features a 2 meter cable and a gold plated USB connector.



saitek x 55 rhino 31t

Many extra holes on the other side of the base as well so we can't wait for our stand to arrive to check them out.