10 - 06 - 2024
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freq5 red 06t

For the latest model Mad Catz has used red for primary color (there's also a white version available) and black for secondary (the headset is glossy as opposed to the matte black of the original version).



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The Mad Catz scratch logo is placed on the outside of both earcups.



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By default the microphone socket is covered with a plastic tap which keeps the annoying dust outside.



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The microphone may be somewhat large but it's quite flexible but i think i'd like it just a tad more had Mad Catz made it retractable rather than removable (easier that way).



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The mute button is placed right above the microphone which when used turns on the red LED placed on the nose of the microphone.



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Further up we see the EQ (equalizer) button which allows you to toggle on-the-fly between the 3 pre-configured settings (Gaming, Music and Chat).



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Moving to the right earcup we see a volume control knob at the lowest end.



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Mad Catz has placed their name over both earcups.



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The Pro Audio classification is placed ontop of the right earcup.



freq5 red 16tfreq5 red 17t
Just like the original F.R.E.Q.5 the headband can be extended on both sides up to 20cm via 25 increments.



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Both earcups are quite large (could be larger) and are padded with black leather which makes them quite comfortable even after long periods of time.



freq5 red 19t

A feature which should appeal to LAN participants (hardcore gamers) is the 90 degrees inward angle both earcups can have making them completely flat and ready for transport.



freq5 red 20t

The headband comes with nice black leather padding which is equally comfortable as the earpads.



freq5 red 21t

The product name as usual is placed on the exterior of the headband.