02 - 06 - 2024
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professional sa 

   As many of you have noticed (and some have even emailed us about it - keep doing that, it helps us to know what people want to see reviewed) we haven't really focused on keyboard reviews lately mostly because there aren't really that many new ones out there to review, at least not from known and/or respected manufacturers. However because many of you have asked we went ahead and gathered quite a few here (rather new models) which we've been testing for the past month or so. Now some of you may recall that when we reviewed the STRIKE 7 gaming keyboard by Mad Catz i pointed out that we would be bringing more reviews surrounding mechanical keyboards in the near future. Well the time has come and so today with us we have the latest professional grade mechanical keyboard by DAS KEYBOARD the Professional Model S.


   In 2005, in a personal quest to improve his own typing speed and accuracy, Metadot founder and self-proclaimed “Uber Geek” Daniel Guermeur (follow @supercobra) asked to have a totally blank keyboard created. To his surprise, his typing speed doubled after just a few weeks of use. As many friends and colleagues who tested the keyboard were mesmerized and wanted one, the business potential became obvious, and Das Keyboard was born. The keyboard was spruced up with precision and individually weighted keys, Birgit Schroeder undertook the mission of bringing it to market a few months later. It was an instant success, especially among techno-elitists searching for the latest and greatest way to differentiate themselves from mere “techie” mortals. It also became popular within the education sector as schools and universities looked for more effective ways to teach typing. In 2006 an enhanced version of Das Keyboard was released. Still completely blank, the Das Keyboard II featured high-end gold-plated mechanical key switches. Reminiscent of the well-known and loved IBM Model M Keyboard, the Das Keyboard II was more responsive than the first model and generated a distinct “click” with each keystroke, quickly establishing it as “the keyboard that clicks.” Like its predecessor, the Das Keyboard II was a hit among gadget gurus, gizmo elitists and touch-typers who required speed and reliability. In 2008 the makers of Das Keyboard decided to upgrade the keyboard again. Their goal was to make the best keyboard on the planet. The result: the Das Keyboard Professional with traditional key markings and the Das Keyboard Ultimate with blank keys. With the introduction of its first keyboard with key inscriptions, the Professional, Das Keyboard expanded its market beyond the Uber Geek segment to include anyone who spends significant time on a computer and wants an enhanced typing experience. Featuring mechanical key switches, n-key rollover functionality, a USB hub, and a longer (6.6-foot) cable, the Das Keyboard Professional and Ultimate offer a new and unique tactile experience that takes keyboarding to a whole new level. Das Keyboard is now available with or without inscriptions to all who want the nirvana of typing experiences.


   Das Keyboard is a name I’ve heard a few times during the past 4 years but it wasn't until quite recently that even people close to me started talking about them so naturally they got my attention and so it didn't take long for their Professional Model S mechanical keyboard to get delivered to us. Now at first glance the Professional Model S looks like yet another average, low-cost keyboard much like the countless ones out there in the market that offer basic functionality and don't really last that long. However it the moment you either lift the keyboard or just press one of its keys you will just know that this is no ordinary everyday keyboard. Of course as Das Keyboard mentions quite a few times in their website their keyboards make a distinct click sound with each keystroke and although some people may find it somewhat annoying we really liked that and to my knowledge so do most professionals out there who type a lot.


















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The keyboard gets shipped inside a regular long cardboard box with a product picture at the front alongside the Das Keyboard logo and the model name.



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Another product picture and its main features explained in depth are present at the rear of the box.



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The keyboard is placed inside a formed piece of cardboard (extension of the main box) and both inside a cloth and a plastic cover.



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Along with the Professional Model S keyboard you are getting a piece of cloth (for cleaning purposes), an USB to PS2 adapter and a paper with installation instructions.










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Measuring 457mm in length, 165mm in width and 25mm in height the glossy surface Professional Model S mechanical keyboard may not look like it but it weighs a total of 1.36Kg.



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The company logo is placed right above the caps/scroll/Num lock LEDs (blue).



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Even the material used for the keys of the Professional Model S keyboard is top grade (the letters/numbers are laser etched).



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The first 8 top F keys double as media controls while F12 can be used to put your system to sleep (only via USB and not PS2 connection).



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Two USB 2.0 ports are placed at the right side of the keyboard.



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Just like the entire top of the unit the bottom is also quite typical and features 4 long rubber feet and two feet.



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With both feet extended the keyboard now sits 13mm above the ground (38mm thick).



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I was quite impressed to see that in order to give more power to the two USB 2.0 ports Das Keyboard is using 2 USB connectors instead of the usual USB/AC Power Adapter combination.



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To see just how large the Professional S Model is i placed it right next to the rather medium-sized Aurora Lite Wireless keyboard by Enermax.



das keyboard pro s 15t

The best is saved for last and so what makes the Professional Model S unique is the use of Cherry MX Blue switches with gold plated contacts (over 50.000.000 operations). Certainly the keyswitch color selection always comes down to personal preference (Cherry makes black, brown, red, and blue ones) but the MX blue switches are the only ones that allow you to type faster since unlike the rest these need to be pushed just half-way to work (less force but takes a bit getting used to).










professional sb

   Been using the Professional Model S mechanical keyboard continuously for almost 7 days now and it really is nothing like we've ever used. As expected since mechanical keyboards have been hitting the market for the past 5 years or so it comes really close to some other mechanical keyboards we've used in the past by manufacturers like SteelSeries and TteSports but it's quite honestly better when it comes to typing mainly because it almost feels you're using a typewriter with easier to push keys. Sure the distinct click sound may not appeal to every user out there especially people who cherish silence but it does help people to type faster (blind system) and when it comes to professionals and enthusiasts alike it doesn't really get any better than the cherry MX blue gold contact switches used in the Professional Model S. On top of all that add the full n-key rollover feature (however only up to 6 keys can be pressed or held down at the same time with USB - again something we rarely ever see) and like i said things can't get much better than this.


   Naturally mechanical keyboards cost many times more than most normal membranes ones since they more durable in every aspect, however with a current price tag of USD129 inside the USA (Das Keyboard page/Amazon) and at around 140Euros inside the EU (Kustompcs.co.uk) the Professional Model S by Das Keyboard is unfortunately not aimed towards everyone out there. However let's not forget that most of the times you get what you pay for and Das Keyboard has indeed designed and manufactured one of the best mechanical keyboards out there aimed towards professionals and enthusiasts you care not about all the bells and whistles offered by other similar solutions. So if you want an extremely durable mechanical keyboard that will last for a lifetime and will also make it easier and faster for you to type then look no further since Das Keyboard has you covered with their Professional Model S our golden award winner.



- Build Quality (Mechanical Keyboard)
- Cherry MX Blue Switches (Tactile Click/50.000.000 Operations)
- 2 USB 2.0 Ports
- Dual USB Connector (Extra Power)
- PS2 Full N-Key Rollover (6 Simultaneous Keys Via USB)
- Size (For Some)




- Price (For Some)