02 - 06 - 2024
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madcatz strike 3 01t

At the front of the box Mad Catz talks about their P.U.L.S.E membrane technology right next to a large product image and a smaller product image informing us of the color placed inside the box.



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All three available colors can be seen at the top and again the one in the box is ticked.



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Information about Mad Catz is placed at the bottom of the box.



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The features of the S.T.R.I.K.E. 3 are explained in depth at the rear and showcased using a large product picture.



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Although the keyboard comes with a removable wrist rest to make certain that these two don't "hurt" each other during shipping Mad Catz has placed them above and beneath the cardboard box.



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Just like the keyboard the bundle includes just the basics such as a large quickstart guide, technical support and information paper and 6 red stickers. Worth mentioning is that the glossy parts on both the keyboard and the wrist rest are covered with plastic films.