02 - 06 - 2024
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   The Sturmovik by Attitude One is a rather small and good looking keyboard with backlit laser etched keys but by using the standard membrane technology same as with most keyboards around i almost feel that they really should had waited to use the name with a more "complete" and "capable" feature-rich keyboard (mechanical if possible). Of course Attitude One is new in the market so they have all the time in the world to create something unique if they decide to do so but for now the Sturmovik is nothing more than yet another low-cost keyboard designed for casual gamers and users.


   Price is what "saves" the Sturmovik Gaming Keyboard since it's currently set at around 35Euros inside the EU and obviously has very little competition. Of course if you want a regular everyday keyboard you can find many for even less but for a keyboard with 4 different backlight levels, braided cable, gold plated USB connector and a good design the price feels right and that's why we recommend it to people who are not willing to spend much for a gaming keyboard. 



- Design
- 4 Level Backlight
- Windows Key Lock
- Braided Cable
- Gold Plated USB Connector
- Price (For Some)



- Basic Membrane Keys
- Overall Quality
- Current Availability