02 - 06 - 2024
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deck francium prob

   The lack of bells and whistles we see in some other mechanical keyboards by manufacturers like Razer may disappoint some potential buyers (especially young in age) but i always believed that there's something special in being simple and the 87 Francium Pro by Deck is exactly that. You see with the 87 Francium Pro you may not get something fancy that you may place on your desk just for its looks, instead you're getting a high quality keyboard that takes up far less space compared to other models and offers quite a few impressive features like the ability to switch between 6-key and full N-key rollover, record macros without the need of a program and create your own custom LED effects which you can share with your friends. Unfortunately although the quality of the keycaps is very high that also hinders the brightness levels but to be completely honest with all of you i wouldn't be getting a keyboard to throw a party so at least in my opinion the brightness levels are more than ok. Overall we didn't come across any problems while testing the 87 Francium Pro although i would had liked to receive a sample with the Cherry MX red switches instead since browns come 2nd in my list.


   Although we were unable to locate the 87 Francium Pro by Deck inside the EU it is very much available inside the USA for a price ranging from USD155 and up to USD170 depending on the type of mechanical switch you choose to get. Of course i hope that Deck can widen availability of their keyboards since we know many people who'd like to get their hands on the 87 Francium Pro. That being said the Deck 87 Francium Pro may not be the perfect mechanical keyboard but its size paired with the very sturdy build quality and the available features are more than enough to secure our Golden Award.


- Superb Build Quality (Sturdy/PBT Keycaps)
- Cherry MX Switches (Red/Blue/Brown)
- 6-Key & Full N-Key Rollover
- Backlighting (4 Preset Modes/Custom Scripts)
- Keyboard Based Macros (No Software Needed)
- Braided Cable



- Price (For Some)
- Current Availability