02 - 06 - 2024
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meka gunit 006t

Exactly like the MEKA G1 by TteSports the G-UNIT is a very high quality keyboard (Black MX Cherry switches have a lifespan of well over 50.000.000 keystrokes) without the bells and whistles found in other gaming keyboards such as the G19 by Logitech. Without the handrest the unit measures 430mm in length, 148mm in width and 33mm in height (highest point).



meka gunit 007t

The TteSports logo is located at the top center of the keyboard.



meka gunit 008t

The G-UNIT features 3 different profiles for use with its macro keys, each with it's very own assign button along with an normal/game switch key which is used to disable the windows key.



meka gunit 009t

The keyboard also features 12 macro keys which combined with the 8 extra programmable keys (you can assign any button on the keyboard) add up to a total of 20 macro keys per profile.



meka gunit 010t

Same as the MEKA G1 the MEKA G-UNIT comes with a total of 7 media keys, 3 of which are mechanical.



meka gunit 011t

Two USB 2.0 ports, the USB cable port and the usual headphones/microphone mini jacks are placed at the front of the G-UNIT.



meka gunit 012t

Turning the unit over we see 2 height adjusters, a cable management slot and 4 large rubber feet.



meka gunit 013t

The height adjusters could be slightly larger but no need to be very picky.



meka gunit 014t

I was happy to see that unlike the G-1 the G-UNIT comes with a full size handrest.



meka gunit 015t

The TteSports dragon logo is imprinted on the handrest but unfortunately it's also not illuminated.



meka gunit 016t

Needless to say the G-UNIT comes with a gold plated USB connector.