02 - 06 - 2024
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As usual in order to use this device by SteelSeries you will have to visit their official support page to download the latest Engine 3 software.



Once you install the latest Engine 3 software it will prompt you to update the firmware of the keyboard to the latest version.




The Engine 3 software gives you control over the Apex M800 via a large product picture.



From here you can change the keyboard region, program any of the keys (including the 6 macro ones), create macros, load one of the default keyboard configurations (or save your very own), choose color for the RGB LED system (either for the entire keyboard or for each of the keys) and of course you can also use the available illumination effects.




If you're an avid gamer the GameSense area of the Engine 3 software allows you to control just how the keys of the Apex M800 can alert you of various events (by switching colors and effects at will).



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Here we’ve placed pictures of all the available patterns and zones you can choose from with the Apex M800.