02 - 06 - 2024
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rantopad mxx 01t

We received the MXX tenkeyless mechanical gaming keyboard inside a yellow box that has a large product image at the front, the company logo and some words in Chinese (i think).



rantopad mxx 02t

There’s some empty selection boxes at the base of the box which may be used to mark the type of switches used but regardless they were all empty in our sample.



rantopad mxx 03t

The product pictures are showcased at the rear of the box with the use of 5 pictures placed right above contact information for Rantopad and several barcodes.



rantopad mxx 04t

Inside the box Rantopad has placed the keyboard between several pieces of cardboard so no problems here.



rantopad mxx 05t

Along with the MXX tenkeyless mechanical gaming keyboard you're also getting the removable braided cable, user manual, product catalog and an yellow keycap remover.