02 - 06 - 2024
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havit hv kb366l 06t

The HV-KB366L may not have any bells and whistles on it but it's still a full sized keyboard that measures 438.2mm in length, 133.7mm in width and 38.2mm in height.



havit hv kb366l 07t

You may not know this but in some countries the HV-KB366L is marketed as the Magic Eagle keyboard a name also used to describe this particular line.



havit hv kb366l 08t

The top of the keyboard is covered by a brushed aluminum piece and the same applies for the left, right, front and rear resulting in a very solid construction. HAVIT has also used plastic edges to ensure that you don't damage anything you may push against the keyboard (blue may not be the color I’d use but at the same time it stands out so it's not half bad).



havit hv kb366l 09t

As you can all see the switches are raised allowing for easier cleaning (much like with most current mechanical gaming keyboards).



havit hv kb366l 10t

Here we see the Outemu blue clear mechanical switches with RGB LEDs.



havit hv kb366l 11t

You can switch between N and 6-Key rollover with the Fn and Insert/Delete keys.



havit hv kb366l 12t

Controlling the 5 different lighting modes (single, breathing, static marquee, marquee, off) can be done via the Fn key and the one next to it.



havit hv kb366l 13t

The arrow keys can be used to control the brightness level of the keys (up/down) and the marquee effect course (left/right).



havit hv kb366l 14t

I was surprised to see that the base is also made out of aluminum (it also has two height adjusters and 4 small rubber feet).



havit hv kb366l 15t

The height adjusters are rubber coated and keep the keyboard 10mm from the desk.



havit hv kb366l 16t

HAVIT has used a 1.8 meter long braided cable with a gold plated USB plug at the end.