02 - 06 - 2024
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corsair k70 rgb 01t

The K70 RGB arrived inside a colorful box that has its main features at the front along with a large product image and the company logo.



corsair k70 rgb 02t

Both the specifications of the product and the contents of the bundle are listed at the base.



corsair k70 rgb 03t

Showcased at the top of the box are the main product features.



corsair k70 rgb 04t

A large product picture placed at the rear of the box is used to showcase the special keys and features of the K70 RGB.



corsair k70 rgb 05t

Packaging is excellent and so the keyboard is wrapped inside a thick plastic bag and placed inside a formed piece of cardboard.



corsair k70 rgb 06t

In terms of bundle i have to admit that Corsair could do much better since the only two things placed inside (aside the keyboard and its detachable wrist rest) are the user manual and two warranty information papers.