02 - 06 - 2024
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ttesports level 10mb

   As some of you know i really enjoy spending my free hours (when i have some) playing Planetside 2 with the rest of the staff so the Level 10M Gaming Mouse was mostly used with that specific online game. However to get a more complete picture i also used it with Far Cry 3 and Mass Effect 3 (Omega DLC) two somewhat fast paced FPS games (although not as fast as Planetside 2). Starting off with the positive things the build quality of the Level 10 M is second to none and i also have to admit that its adjustable design (3D Axis Movement) is a nice touch since it allowed me to lower the back to a point when my hand felt right at home. The same can be said about its accuracy levels largely thanks to the fact that the Level 10M glides a lot better than most gaming mice I’ve used lately while the 8200DPI laser sensor although extremely fast (and hard to handle at 8200DPI) is very accurate. During testing we found no issues with the unit’s liftoff feature while it worked flawlessly on pretty much every surface we threw at it. However the Level 10M Gaming Mouse has a single drawback and that's the positioning and size of the left side buttons which makes them very easy to press by mistake when playing fast paced FPS games. I am pretty certain that hardcore gamers and professional gamers alike will find ways to overcome that issue but even now after almost 8 days i am still unable to.


   The cost of working closely with people from BMW DesignworksUSA to design a product naturally finds its way to retail (like it did with the original Level 10 Super Tower) and so currently the Level 10 M Gaming Mouse retails at around USD99 inside the USA and 90Euros inside the EU a price tag that puts it right at the top with the most expensive gaming mice out there. Is it worth it? Well it depends since the very first thing one judges a gaming mouse from is its design so if you like it or not comes down to personal preference. Overall however it has a superior build quality compared to most similar units in the market (aluminum body), it's blazing fast thanks to the 8200DPI laser sensor, you can adjust its height/angle, has plenty of buttons and is available in 4 different colors (black, white, red, green). Long story short Tt eSPORTS has released a very good gaming mouse (excellent one if you can get used to the left side buttons) and that's why it gets our Golden Award.




- Build Quality (Aluminum Body)
- Blazing Fast (8200DPI Laser Sensor)
- Height/Angle Adjustable
- Illumination Effects
- 7 Buttons
- Control Software
- Available in 4 Different Colors (Black/White/Red/Green)




- Price (For Some)
- Left Side Buttons Too Easy To Press