02 - 06 - 2024
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tesoro shrikeb

   It's very rare for us to receive an input device like a gaming mouse designed and manufactured by a brand new company that actually ends up impressing us with its performance but that's exactly what happened with the SHRIKE. We ended up testing it for little over 6 days with games like PlanetSide 2, Aliens Colonial Marines, Bioshock Infinite and Crysis 3 but right from the start it felt right at home although when we shot pictures of it we were a bit worried that it wouldn't due to its design. The Avago 9500 5600DPI laser sensor may not be the fastest around but it's very accurate and responsive even when playing very fast passed MMO games like PlanetSide 2 (largely thanks to the rubberized grips and disabled angle snapping by default). Having the option to increase the weight of the SHRIKE is a nice addition although even by default the mouse is quite balanced. The only real downside for people who care about such things is the LED illumination which you can hardly see but that's not a feature i personally care much about especially when the rest of the mouse works as it should.


   With a current price tag set at USD49.99 inside the USA (Purchase Directly from Amazon.com) and at around 49Euros inside the EU the SHRIKE H2L by Tesoro is amongst the very few sub-USD50/50Euros solutions in the market today that you should really consider purchasing. True the illumination could be a lot better and the same can be said about the control panel but in the end its performance thanks to the Avago 9500 laser sensor along with the large number features more than just make up for that. So if you are scouting the web in search of a gaming mouse that can help you dominate the battlefield without emptying your wallet then the SHRIKE laser gaming mouse by Tesoro should be amongst the first ones on your list and that's also why it gets our Golden Award.




- Build Quality (Overall)
- Design
- Very Fast & Accurate (5600DPI/Avago 9500)
- 8 Buttons
- Up To 5 Onboard Profiles
- Weight Adjustment System (+35g)
- Braided Cable/ Gold Plated USB Connector
- Price (For Some)




- Illumination Could Be Better
- Control Panel Design