02 - 06 - 2024
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The XBMC app is not really something new but in the case of the AS-304T you will also need to enable media mode and restart it in order for it to work. You can control the XBMC application either by using the ASUSTOR remote control (acquired extra), mouse/keyboard or Android Application.




The XBMC application transforms the NAS Server into a media server so it can do whatever an HTPC can do aside playing games that is.



You can personalize the XBMC application quite a bit (for example change the skin of the menus and set the region/language/audio language options).



You can also check the various hardware/software information screens and of course adjust video and audio settings.



Unfortunately although we ripped our latest Blu-Ray (Pacific Rim) resulting to a 27GB large MKV file (we will be also using it to test MKV compatible applications in future NAS reviews) we were unable to grab a screenshot from within the software so instead we took a couple of our own (the result is not very good however). The great news is that even at such a huge bitrate there were no playback issues with the AS-304T.