02 - 06 - 2024
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thecus n2560 01t

The N2560 package has a small product picture at the front which is surrounded by all its main features.



thecus n2560 02t

On the left side we see the hardware, applications, bundle contents, available languages lists right above contact information regarding Thecus.



thecus n2560 03t

Some of the product features are mentioned on the right side.



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Like the front at the rear we find a drawing of the N2560 and its main features placed right next to it.



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At the top of the box Thecus marks the model contained inside the box (N2520/N2560).



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The entire bundle is placed inside a cardboard box sitting on the device.



thecus n2560 07t

From the box we took out the N2560 NAS Server, AC power adapter with cord (part of the reason as to why the device is so small), RJ-45 Ethernet cable, quick installation guide, warranty card, HDD compatibility warning paper, four plastic drive mounting brackets, two wire ties and a software CD.