06 - 05 - 2024
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You can add new users and groups, backup them and adjust their quota from within the User and Group Authentication drop down menu.



The Network Service tab contains everything you'll ever need to run a complete server so from here not only can you adjust and setup SAMBA/CIFS, FTP, TFTP, Webservice and DDNS but you can also enable/disable UPNP, Bonjour and WebDAV.




Installation of extra applications is possible from within the application server menu either manually (you will have to download each application from Thecus as seen above) or automatically from a list of chosen applications (not nearly enough however and not the last versions).




Last but not least Thecus has a total of 690 applications available for their NAS so you can find pretty much everything you'd ever want in here.



Backup applications are placed inside the backup menu and so from here you can back up the DOM contents, backup everything locally, use data burn to backup files onto an external disk recorder or use amazons s3 (simple storage service) online cloud service.




Attached devices like printers and UPS can be accessed from the external devices menu.




One such app is the surveillance station by Thecus which unfortunately has by far the least number of supported IP camera models. However thanks to their generic modes you should be able to get yours up and running in no time like we have done in the past numerous times (that's obviously not the ideal solution so we hope Thecus improves on that).