02 - 06 - 2024
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qnap ts 269 prob

   When i had the chance to test the latest TurboNAS TS-469 Pro i didn't think that QNAP could release something around the same price range that could surpass its performance but that was because i also didn't think that they would release the same exact unit but with 2 drive bays instead of 4. So the TS-269 Pro was almost certain to match the larger TS-469 Pro (in terms of performance) right from the start, just like the TS-119P II surpassed the TS-219P II and so on. Of course the TurboNAS TS-269 Pro may be the perfect dual bay NAS unit/server but it has but a single drawback and that's the number of available bays which right now allow you to have up to 8TB of storage. Certainly for most of us that's more than just enough but for medium size businesses and many professionals that may not be nearly enough and so solutions like the TS-469 Pro are more ideal, at least until higher capacity HDDs get released.


   With a current price tag set at around USD600 inside the USA and 580Euros inside the EU the TurboNAS TS-269 Pro by QNAP does not come cheap especially since you will need to spend more to equip it with one or two hard disk drives. In the end however it all comes down to what you want and how much you're willing to pay for it so for people who want one of the best dual bay NAS unit/servers around (if not the best) then the TS-269 Pro is not really expensive. Of course people who just need a basic dual bay NAS for simple tasks such as downloading or sharing files then something like the TS-219P II would be a lot more ideal and cheaper as well. What really matters however is that the TurboNAS TS-259 Pro+ is no longer my favorite dual bay NAS unit/server and that's why the TS-269 Pro is on the receiving end of our Platinum award.




- Excellent Build Quality
- Top Performance (Speed/Temperatures/Power Consumption)
- Features
- 1GB DDR3 RAM @ 1333MHz (Expandable to 3GB)
- 2 Gigabit Ethernet Ports
- 5 USB Ports (2xUSB 3.0 / 3xUSB 2.0)
- Single/JBOD/RAID0/1 Support
- SATA III (6Gb/s)
- Web Interface
- New IP Camera Support
- Qmanager Android/iOS App 




- Price (For Some)