19 - 09 - 2024
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meze 109 pro review b

    Even though the 109 PRO emphasizes highs a bit more than expected (at times this can become slightly annoying at high volume levels, especially if you don't play with the equalizer) this was actually very good for listening to pop music from the 80's and 90's (FLAC/MQA 16/24 bit). The balanced bass levels may not be the strongest selling point of the 109 PRO (not powerful enough for some music genres) but they fit quite well with the crisp, vibrant and detailed mids and highs produced by it (as does separation) so I can't say I have any complaints here. Comfort is also at high levels with the self-adjusting headband working as expected (largely thanks to the lightweight construction of the 109 PRO) and the large velour earpads fully enveloping your ears. What you will either love or hate is actually the open-back nature of the 109 PRO since the effectively means you'll need to use them in quiet places rather than outside. This actually worked very well for me since I do like to be aware of anything happening at the office or at home (again, largely due to my pets) but I imagine this will not be the case with many of you out there. Also worth pointing out is that Meze offers the 109 PRO in a bundle together with their copper balanced PCUHD premium cable which should further improve audio accuracy (unfortunately this wasn’t sent to me).

Currently retailing for USD799 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 799Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) the 109 PRO by Meze are priced well, always compared to their direct competition. Yes, this doesn’t make them quite affordable but with their target audience being demanding audiophiles’ price shouldn’t be an issue. All said and done the 109 PRO deliver as advertised and since they are among the top three headphones I’ve used to date they clearly deserve the Platinum Award.


- Near Excellent Build Quality
- Very Good Audio Performance (Detailed, Crisp & Vibrant Mids & Highs / Warm Bass)
- Comfortable
- Self Adjusting Headband
- Bundle
- Open Back Design (For Some)


- Price (For Some)
- Open Back Design (For Some)